
Idaho Wheat Commission Supports Executive Director in New Opportunity

Casey Chumrau, Executive Director of the Idaho Wheat Commission (IWC), will be taking a new position as Chief Executive Officer of the Washington Grain Commission (WGC) beginning in September.  Chumrau has been with IWC since January 2020 and will be filling the vacancy left by the retirement of WGC Executive Director Glen Squires.

“While we are sad to see her go, we understand that this is an incredible opportunity for Casey.  We could not be happier with the direction she took the Wheat Commission while at the helm and her leadership as she stepped into her role during an interesting and uncertain time,” said Clark Hamilton, Ririe wheat grower and current IWC Chairman.  “The wheat industry is very lucky to be keeping such a great professional.”

Chumrau will leave IWC on August 30, 2022.  There is currently an ongoing search for a new Executive Director at IWC. 

Click on this link for a full job description and how to apply.