
Featured Idaho Wheat News

The most relevant industry news curated specifically for Idaho’s wheat growers.

Idaho Wheat Hosts Philippine Trade Team

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Idaho Wheat Hosts South Korea Crop Tour Trade Team

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Idaho Agriculture and Farm Organizations to Host Farm Stress Workshop

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Latest News

Updated Columbia River Treaty a ‘Win-Win’ for U.S., Canada

The updated Columbia River Treaty between the U.S. and Canada is set to bring "certainty and stability" in areas such as power generation, flood risk management, and ecosystem flows. Representatives from U.S. agencies emphasized the treaty as a "win-win" for both nations. The modernized treaty, which still requires detailed amendments, will ensure more predictable operations for power generation, flood-risk management, and water allocation for agriculture, among other benefits. This is particularly significant for regions like Idaho, where agriculture heavily depends on stable water resources from the Columbia River System.

University of Idaho Researchers Find That Soil-Borne Arthropods Boost Crops

Researchers from the University of Idaho found that increasing diversity in agricultural systems benefits soil arthropods, which in turn can enhance crop productivity, including Idaho wheat. Soil arthropods, such as mites, beetles, and centipedes, play a critical role in soil health by decomposing crop residue and interacting with microbial communities, which supports crop growth. This led to deeper root growth and increased above-ground biomass in wheat, highlighting the importance of maintaining healthy soil arthropod populations for the profitability and sustainability of Idaho wheat production.

Innovative Agriculture and Marketing Partnership Open For Producer Enrollment

The University of Idaho is accepting first-round applications for the Innovative Agriculture and Marketing Partnership (IAMP), a climate-focused initiative designed to help Idaho farmers and ranchers adopt practices that reduce climate impact. This program, funded by a five-year, $55 million USDA grant, targets the production of Idaho's key commodities, including wheat, potatoes, sugar beets, barley, hops, chickpeas, and beef. Idaho wheat farmers, in particular, can benefit from this program by adopting these climate-smart practices, which not only contribute to sustainability but also open up new market opportunities.

Agricultural Commodity Risk Management Minor Now Offered at University of Idaho

Offered by the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences and the College of Business and Economics, the new minor focuses on hands-on learning to prepare students for careers in commodity trading, merchandising, and risk management. The program includes a one-credit summer course, the Portland Grain Trade Tour, which will explore the logistics of the wheat supply chain from Idaho's Snake River dams to the export terminals in Portland. The involvement of the Idaho Wheat Commission and the emphasis on critical commodities, like wheat, underscores the importance of this education in navigating the agricultural markets of the Pacific Northwest.

U.S. Wheat Market and Crop Reports Provide Valuable, Timely Information

U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) ensures customers get the wheat they need at the best value by providing essential market and crop updates. Collaborating with traders, specialists, and USDA staff, USW regularly analyzes and updates these resources. A major tool in this effort is the 2024 Harvest Report, published every Friday during the harvest season. The report offers updates on harvest progress, crop conditions, and quality for various wheat types. It is integral to USW's international technical and marketing programs, helping customers understand how the crop situation might influence prices. The report is widely shared by USW's overseas offices, often in local languages, and is a vital resource for meetings and customer inquiries. Click the link above to subscribe and have the price and harvest reports sent directy to you.

Canada’s Rail Freight Comes To a Halt

The halt in rail traffic across Canda poses a severe threat to the agricultural sector. For Idaho wheat farmers who rely on smoth corss-border trade for exporting their wheat, the rail stoppage could delay shipments and disrupt supply chains. Over 90% of agricultural products, including grains, are transported by rail in Canada. The impact on the agricultural industry is expected to be significant. With fall harvest underway, the timing of this disruption is concerning, as it could affect grain flow from Canada with ripple effects on wheat markets in Idaho and across the U.S.

Following Curtailment, Idaho Water Users Seek Long-Term Solution

Idaho water users are actively negotiating long-term solutions to prevent future water shutoffs during growing seasons, following a temporary resolution reached this year. The focus of these negotiations is to develop a groundwater management plan that protects senior water rights holders while reducing uncertainty for junior holders, aiming to stabilize the aquifer and maintain farmland productivity. Despite recent gains in water levels, the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer has been depleting for decades, creating ongoing challenges for Idaho's water management.

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